Hosted Continuous Integration with CloudBees

We’ve keeping an eye out for hosted continuous integration for some time. Recently, I heard about CloudBees from John Dunham at Sauce Labs (another great cloud-hosted service which will run your Selenium tests). It seems some ofthe Hudson folk have escaped from Oracle, renamed/forked the open source project as “Jenkins” and are setting up shop with $4M from Matrix Partners with the goal of offering a platform for hosting Java apps, including the Java-based continuous integration system, Jenkins (nee Hudson).

I’ve tried it out on one Rails project I’ve tried, I’ve got specs running, but not passing and I’m not sure why yet. Here’s what I’ve figured out so far…

export rvm_path=~/.rvm
echo ‘export rvm_path=~/.rvm’ > ~/.rvmrc
mkdir -p ~/.rvm/src
cd ~/.rvm/src
rm -rf ./rvm/
git clone -depth 1 git://
cd rvm
rvm reload
rvm reset
rvm install ree-1.8.7
rvm use ree-1.8.7
rvm gem install bundler -no-rdoc -no-ri
rvm exec bundle install
cp config/ config/database.yml
rvm exec rake db:create:all
rvm exec rake db:migrate
rvm exec rake spec

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