Author Archives: admin

Deploying a Redmine Wiki to Heroku

One of the recommendations that came out of our recent retrospective was to create a Blazing Cloud wiki where we would store all of our project information, best practices, how to’s, etc.  We wanted a wiki that was free, configurable/customizable and could be easily deployed to either Heroku or another hosting provider we are familiar [...]

Cucumber Debugging Tip

Tracking down the root of an unmet expectation is even trickier when you can’t see what the expectation is being compared to… one great resource I’ve been using as-of-late is cucumber_rails_debug. Here’s the readme, in all of its complexity: Usage: Add: require ‘ruby-debug’ require ‘cucumber_rails_debug/steps’ To features/support/env.rb Then use: Then debug # opens the debugger [...]

Wrangling Custom Radius Tags

I’m integrating a beautiful Javascript app, InfiniteCarousel, into the Radiant extension architecture. The app creates a photo carousel: A scrollable panel of images with nice left and right buttons, captioning, and links. If interested, feel free to install from github. The app is built largely in JQuery and has a pretty simple mark-up: [html]<ul id="headerCarousel"> [...]

Drag Order Fix For New Blank Pages

We forked Drag Order extension, a cool extension for Radiant CMS, and fixed some stuff. What we didn’t take into account in our last fix was this case: 1) Create new pages, or import a data set with a ton of new pages 2) Try to reorder a page. Turns out, the way it’s written, [...]

PostGres & MySQL Fixes For Drag Order Extension (for Radiant CMS)

We were experiencing an odd behavior with the very popular Drag Order extension. This extension allows you to re-order your pages in the Admin screen, and for that new order to be reflected in any loop on the front end, also via the children tag. The aberrant behavior appears when you add a new page. [...]

PostGres & MySQL Fixes For Drag Order Extension (for Radiant CMS)

We were experiencing an odd behavior with the very popular Drag Order extension. This extension allows you to re-order your pages in the Admin screen, and for that new order to be reflected in any loop on the front end, also via the children tag. The aberrant behavior appears when you add a new page. [...]

Radiant CMS: Improving Drag & Order

In the Radiant administration interface, we wanted to allow our CMS users to be able to move pages around and have that final order in the navigation. Well, that is solved by an existing extension- the Drag and Order by Bright4. We decided to change the icon to make it jump out more, and to [...]

Radiant CMS: Improving Drag & Order

In the Radiant administration interface, we wanted to allow our CMS users to be able to move pages around and have that final order in the navigation. Well, that is solved by an existing extension- the Drag and Order by Bright4. We decided to change the icon to make it jump out more, and to [...]

Hello world!

Blazing Cloud website is now available. We’ll post company news and technical tips from our work in this space.