Yehuda Katz (@wycats) gave an overview of Ember.js — Tom Dale is expected to dive into code today at the Throne of JS Conference in Toronto. Below are my rough notes as a almost-live blog the conference,
Lots of people are making small frameworks. Few frameworks are trying to solve the problem of creating full applications
Ember’s Influences: Sproutcore, Rails, jQuery, merb (Rails 3)
Lessons from Rails
conventions are good
- don’t need to spend time on trivial decisions
- shared solutions are good — bugs get fixed faster, more people know the answers to common problems
- solutions should look the same
extraction is better than pie in the sky ideas
- modularity is good, but the best kind of modularity is hidden from regular users (example ActiveModel)
- clean internals important for ongoing velocity
- shipping is more important than perfect code
Lessons from jQuery
- dealing with browser quirks sucks
- repeating yourself sucks
- you get a lot of leverage from shared solutions
- keep as many people on the same path, climbing up the same mountain
Lessons from Sproutcore
The Good:
- bindings
- declarative
- computed properties
- application structure
- cocoa? learn from people who have been creating UI frameworks since desktop was new
The bad:
- Hard to Learn
- Coupled to UI Toolkit
- Massive File Size (was hundreds of K, ember is <40K)
Key learning: We’re not trying hard enough (to make great Javascript frameworks). We’re not aiming high enough.
What do people love about it?
- data binding (almost every framework except for spine & backbone) Ember’s sophisticated system is “sane by default.” It solves pathological cases. For example: mark all done, when binding to every item in a collection, summary display is only calculated once)
- View Layer: lets you focus on what is special about your views, not the boilerplate
- Composable: real apps don’t dump everything in index.html
- Setup & Teardown: sucks to manage your own memory, browser does it well, but if you have your own objects, which we all do, ember helps with that
- Events
Other highlights
Make classes, not instances
The Router is awesome
- defines where specific actions are legal, let you create islands of functionality
- URL serializes application state
- routes are automatically associated with templates, via naming conventions
- data managerment without the boilerplate
- URL -> JSON -> identify map -> model attrs
- dirty records -> toJSON -> REST
- decomposes gracefully
Data Adapters encapsulate persistence concerns: don’t let the vagaries of your backend dictate how your application works
- find, findAll, findMany
- save, CRUD
- serialize to/from JSON
Lots of committers, not just Tilde. Tom Dale and Yehuda work at Tilde. They are doing consulting where they build apps that require a sophisticated framework like Ember. They plan to keep doing that to fund the open source work, and to continue to grown the committers so that Ember is a true open source community project. They don’t plan to roll out a paid support biz model.
Future, onward to 1.0
- expect breaking changes before 1.0, not after
- lots more docs
- server-side rendering