Lean Startup: not just buzzwords
Eric Ries (@ericries) introduced the conference with a challenge that there be “no vanity metrics” at the conference. He encouraged us all to “Do the work.”
“Whether you succeed or fail, if you learn something, tell us, and we’ll make you famous.”
He then talked about something that has been on his mind lately…. If you hate big companies so much, why are you trying to create a new one? The answer is that each of us believes our big company will be different.
We are good at buzzwords and slogans — important to use the right words to describe things, but where are we as a movement? Move beyond initial successes to something much or difficult and complicated.
99% of what’s in the book is not stuff that fits on a bumper sticker — MVP, pivot, get out of the building…
What people don’t talk about are innovation accounting and engines of growth.
now that your MVP is in the field, how do we figure out were’ making progress after initial success? We are not done afte getting initial prodcut fit. This process is difficult. It doesn’t fit on bumer sticker, so no one talks about it — that’s what we’re going ot talk about today.
The goal of the Lean Startup movement is not just to make random startups more succesfful and more money. We’re not against that, but that’s not our purpose. Our purpose is to create an ecosystem that makes really successful long-term companies — to build the next toyota. We want you to master the discipline of entreprenesureip — “entrepreneurial management” in teh book. One day, you’ll have to hire at least 1 other person (LOL). How do yo institutionalize the mangement and process practices that will alow those people to become good entrepreneurs? when you build your company, I challenge you to build something new: a company built for continuous innovation.
We’re gonna start far afield, in strange places like the US government and education, then wind back home to silicon valley. We’ll cover the three big strands where lean practices are … large companies, governments, and places like silicon valley. Use every minute to tell as many true stories as we can about these ideas.
Read complete notes from the Lean Startup Conference 2012