Tag Archives: TDD

Rails3, RSpec2 and WebMock

Yesterday we were deep in the middle of coding using RSpec 2 and Rails 3 and needed to verify that a method made a specific http request. I happily discovered WebMock, which appears to be a next generation FakeWeb. Originally developed by Bartosz Blimke, I was happy to see that Sam Phillips had it working [...]

Test Driven Development: Why it’s awesome

I have been programming Ruby on Rails for about 3 months now, and have been following a fairly strict Test Driven Development (TDD) methodology using rspec for the duration of that time. Using TDD has been a great experience, and now that I’ve been doing it for a while I never want to go back [...]

Test Driven Development: Why it's awesome

I have been programming Ruby on Rails for about 3 months now, and have been following a fairly strict Test Driven Development (TDD) methodology using rspec for the duration of that time. Using TDD has been a great experience, and now that I’ve been doing it for a while I never want to go back [...]