September 17, 2012 - 10:00 am
You can use iPhone speech synthesizer to announce runs of integration tests. Hear the sounds what will warm your heart every time. It shows that tests are working. Starting 13 test scenarios If you have Siri on your phone Siri’s voice will pronounce the phrases. VSSpeechSynthesizer could be found in XCode 4.4 in iOS PrivateFrameworks [...]
Apples annual conference kicked off last week and Blazing Cloud wasn’t about to miss it’s chance to attend. Many exciting things happened like a preview of the 4th generation iPhone, a preview of developer tools and a look into safari improvements. The keynote also offered up some interesting statistics and new device capabilities of iPhone [...]
By Lee
Posted in Apple, iOS, iPad, iPhone, Mobile
Also tagged iOS, iPad, iPhone, iPod, Mobile, Objective-c, WWDC