Author Archives: judy

Field trip to the California Academy of Sciences!

Last week, the Blazing Cloud Dragonborn went on a trip to the California Academy of Sciences! Who are our Dragonborn? We are a group comprised of Blazing Cloud’s design intern, mobile fellow, engineering apprentice, and summer flight of programming interns! Like the player character in Skyrim, we are each growing in experience as we learn [...]

orientationchange and resize events on the iPhone

Changing the orientation of your mobile device triggers a resize event. Here’s a very simple page showing that both orientationchange and resize events are triggered when you change the orientation of your mobile device. I used the following viewport meta tag in my html because of the iPhone Safari viewport scaling bug: <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0″> [...]

Simple Update Field

Curtis Schofield wrote a gem (originally for a Blazing Cloud project, but released as open source) that lets you edit your text data right on the webpage! It’s called simple_update_field. It’s designed for the simple use case of having a webpage with a bunch of text fields that you want to edit one after the [...]