TestFlight supports distribution of Enterprise apps using it’s standard invitation / team management process. This post compares the process of using TestFlight, with the process of using a web server for distribution. TestFlight Distribution of an Enterprise iOS Application Here we document the steps needed for a user to successfully install your Enterprise app using TestFlight, [...]
Category Archives: Web Development
Enterprise iOS Distribution
With an Apple Enterprise Account, iOS applications may be distributed without the tedious UDID provisioning required for iOS apps that are destined for the App Store. This lack of provisioning makes over-the-air distribution practical with the very simple user experience of clicking a link on a web page to trigger a download and install of [...]
JavaScript Koans
I’m an iOS engineer with a background in robotics who is just diving into front-end web development. At Blazing Cloud, we’ve found that the approach taken by Koans, learning through testing, to be an effective way to understand the core syntax of a new language. Neither of the JavaScript Koans are nearly as fleshed out [...]
Making a javascript asset rails gem with jeweler.
Step one) Use the Jeweler gem. Seriously this is a brilliant piece of work. It allows you to concentrate on building your gem. Step two) Create a file for bundler to load
1 |
lib/gem_name.rb |
I am using ‘_’ as a convention for filenames as ClassName to class_name has been a convention in the rails community and the [...]
Building Small Web Services with a Heroku and Unicorn Sinatra Template Project
Using Sinatra Unicorn and Heroku (CEDAR stack) Together! I have been asked “How do I get started with Unicorn and Heroku?” “How can I made a remote HTTP webhook?” “How can I make a simple web service?” , “How can I get started with a free ruby hosting evironment?” I want to take a moment [...]
Simple Update Field
Curtis Schofield wrote a gem (originally for a Blazing Cloud project, but released as open source) that lets you edit your text data right on the webpage! It’s called simple_update_field. It’s designed for the simple use case of having a webpage with a bunch of text fields that you want to edit one after the [...]
Responsive Web Device Design Helper
In the head of my responsive web site I use the following meta tag <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0"> Then in a head script element //<![CDATA[ document.writeln("<div class='debug'> w("+ screen.width /16 +")-screen-h("+ screen.height /16 +") -- w("+ window.innerWidth /16 +")-inner-window-h("+ window.innerHeight /16 +")</div>") //]]> Also in the head I have the following style sheets <link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/responsive/base.css"> [...]
OpenLaszlo Syntax Highlighting for MacVim/Vim
The OpenLaszlo documentation isn’t specific about how to install syntax highlighting for vim on mac. So we thought we would write up a little blurb about how to do it! Copy the lzx.vim syntax file to dot vim directory in your home directory cp openlaszlo/trunk/tools/lzx.vim ~/.vim/syntax/ Create a file called .vimrc.local for your custom vim [...]
‘rt’ - Replace Text in Ruby for Rails 3 Upgrade, Charlie Brown
If you would like to use the actual file that we used to transform the code from RSpec 1 to 2, Webrat to Capybara and a few things around Rails 2 to rails 3. You can find this file in the repository
Devise Authentication in Rails 3 (Updated for devise 2)
Devise Github project page: https://github.com/plataformatec/devise After some google searching I arrived at the decision to use Devise over Authlogic for my brand spanking new rails 3 app. I haven’t really had that much experience with authlogic in the past, besides using it in my previous rails 3 app. It was a little tricky to get it [...]